I’m Determined is on a mission to empower young people just like you. You might be wondering what self-determination is and how you can start being more independent. This page will help you learn more and provides tools to help you on your journey.

Tools for Young People
Get started on your self-determination journey! I’m Determined tools help you uncover your unique talents, advocate for yourself, achieve your goals, and overcome challenges.
One-Pager: Identity and Self-Awareness
Download this one-pager on identity and self-awareness, a tool to help you reflect on key details that will help others get to know you better.

Use the Good Day Plan to Design a Daily Routine
The Good Day Plan is a fillable PDF you can download to help design days that are perfect for you!

Use the Goal Plan to Set and Attain Goals
The Goal Plan is a simple tool to help youth set and attain goals. Download a fillable PDF and instructions on how to use the Goal Plan.

Are you team-oriented, responsive, responsible, positive, goal-oriented, and involved in community activities? If so, please consider applying to be a Youth Leader!